Tonbridge Store

Mon-Sat  7:30–17:30
Sunday  10:00–16:00

  01732 354 733

Helping you choose the right Christmas feast

Buying meat for Christmas Day is an important part of planning a festive meal. The choice of meat often depends on your personal preferences and traditions. Here are some popular options and tips to consider when buying meat for Christmas:


Turkey is the classic choice for many Christmas dinners. It's a versatile bird that can be prepared in various ways, such as roasting, smoking, or deep-frying. When buying a turkey, consider the size to ensure it can feed your guests. A general rule of thumb is about 1 pound (0.45 kg) of turkey per person.


Ham is another popular Christmas meat option. It's typically pre-cooked and smoked, making it relatively easy to prepare. You can glaze it with various sweet or savory sauces. The size of the ham should also be based on the number of guests you're serving.


Prime rib roast or beef tenderloin are excellent choices for those who prefer beef. Prime rib is known for its rich flavor and marbling, while beef tenderloin is very tender and often used for filet mignon. Make sure to ask your butcher for recommendations on the best cuts.


Pork roast, such as pork loin or pork shoulder, is a flavorful alternative. You can season it with herbs, spices, or a rub for added flavor. Pork can be a great option if you have a smaller gathering or if some of your guests don't eat red meat.


Lamb is another delicious choice for a festive meal. Leg of lamb or lamb racks are common cuts for Christmas. Lamb has a distinct flavor that pairs well with various herbs and spices.

Duck or Goose

For a more unconventional Christmas meat, consider duck or goose. These birds offer rich, flavorful meat that can be roasted to perfection. Keep in mind that duck and goose are smaller than turkeys, so plan accordingly.

Be sure to plan your menu, make a shopping list, and allocate enough time for cooking and preparation to ensure a delicious and stress-free Christmas meal.

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